Carefully Crafted Tallow Skincare You Can Trust

You deserve skincare products that are genuinely honest, crafted from natural ingredients that you can confidently pronounce. No additives or chemicals. 

Just pure, simple, and effective products you feel GOOD putting on your skin.

Signature Tallow Balms

100% grass fed beef tallow bam by Eternal Tallow

Premium Tallow Balms For Radiant Skin

If you feel overwhelmed trying to find high-quality skincare products that work - you're not alone. The skincare industry is vast and can make it challenging to find the right products for your specific needs.

At Eternal Tallow, we understand the frustration and confusion that can arise shopping for products. That's why we've made it our goal to simplify your skincare routine and deliver genuinely effective solutions that truly work. 

Feel confident using Tallow skincare products, made with ethically sourced ingredients thoughtfully designed and carefully formulated for ultimate nourishment.

More About Eternal Tallow
organic tallow balm by Eternal Tallow held by a baby in bed

Give Yourself & Your Family the Gift of Clear and Healthy Skin

Enjoy premium tallow balms and lotions made with organic ingredients to help you heal your skin, feel confident, and age beautifully.

✓ Clear various skin ailments, including psoriasis, rosacea, acne, eczema, etc.,

✓ Embrace a minimalist approach to skincare without compromising on quality. 

✓ Save time with a simple skincare routine with an all-in-one tallow product.

✓Feel confident by using products that are chemical, toxin, and preservative-free.

✓ Fall in love with your skin using tallow balms that heal and nourish.

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Non-toxic skin care product Tallow Balm by Eternal Tallow

Experience the Eternal Tallow Difference

Tallow is a time-tested and traditional ingredient that's been used for centuries to nourish and protect the skin. 

Our tallow is from pastured cows that are grass fed, and grass finished.

Only the suet is used to render into tallow. It is unrefined, free from harmful additives and chemicals, making it a safe and effective choice for skincare.

Our mission is to provide you with the most indulgent and nourishing tallow balm that will not only hydrate but also rejuvenate and heal your skin like never before. 

Each product is lovingly handcrafted in small batches in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

See Before and Afters